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    Ball check valve

    Pressure: PN10
    Nominal size: 50 - 400

    The Erhard ball check valve offers backflow protection based on the ball check valve operating principle. In the open position, the sealing ball is pushed out of the flow cross-section by the medium. The Erhard ball check valves are particularly suitable for use in the waste water sector where there is a high risk of clogging.

    Erhard ball check valves are resistant to dirt and are extremely maintenance-friendly as the valve works without mechanically moving parts. In addition, the ball check valve has low flow resistance in the open position.

    Metal-to-metal seat wafer style tilting disc check valve

    Type RM (Orbinox)
    Pressure: 10 / 25 / 40
    Nominal size: 40 - 900

    “The Orbinox metal seated check valve type RM is a robust tilting disc check valve with an oblique seating angle. It is used in all industries, but mainly in the pulp and paper, water treatment and food sectors.

    In addition to the short length, it is characterised by a low pressure drop and opening pressure. Another advantage is the reduced pressure surges caused by the quick closing action (oblique seating).
    An optional spring accelerates the closing action. “

    Metal seated, 3-piece ball valve

    Type 3800 (JC Valves)
    Pressure: 140
    Nominal size: 3/8" - 2"

    “The JC Valves type 3800 is a solid 3-piece ball valve with a metal seat that can be used for high pressures of up to 140 bar.

    Due to its modular design, the metal seated 3-piece ball valve can be used in many different ways and can be supplied with various connections, both bolted and welded ends. A large selection of materials opens up a wide range of applications.
    Thanks to a wide range of approvals (Fire Safe, Fugitive Emission, ATEX, TRCU, CRN, SIL 3), this monoblock ball valve can be used in virtually all industries.

    The standard version of the ball valve includes a anti-blow out stem, an antistatic device, a pressure balancing cavity hole and a “”live loaded”” packing.”

    No dead space bottom outlet valve

    Type 607 / 602 / 606M / 606N (Guichon)
    Pressure: 150 - 1500 + PN 10 - 420
    Nominal size: 1/2" - 16" DN 15 - 400

    Guichon Kegelbodenventile und Kolbenventile werden je nach Kundenanforderung konstruiert und gefertig. Als Basis gibt es dazu vorgefertigte Standardmodelle, die individuell angepasst werden. Diese können mit Kegel im Gehäuse öffnend, mit steigendem Kegel, metallisch dichtend oder auch mit radialer Abdichtung ausgeführt sein.

    Die Bodenablass-Kolbenventile werden hauptsächlich für hochviskose, aggressive Medien eingesetzt. Sie können als Regel, AUF/ZU und Handarmaturen verwendet werden. Das Hauptmerkmal liegt an der totraumfreien Medienführung, weshalb die Armaturen oft auch als Probenahmeventil verwendet werden.
    Des Weiteren sind sie an Tankböden im Einsatz.

    Ball segment walve, flanged design

    Type KVTF / KVXF (Somas)
    Pressure: 25
    Nominal size: 80-600

    “The Somas ball segment valve type KVTF is a flanged ball segment valve with a centrically mounted shaft and the KVXF has an eccentrically mounted shaft.

    The valve housing consists of one piece and has a full bore. The unique system of a shaft with a clamping coupling was developed by Somas for backlash-free torque transmission and enables extremely precise control behaviour”

    Digital positioner

    Type PS2 (Siemens)

    “The Sipart PS2 is an electronically parametrisable and communication-enabled positioner for mounting on pneumatic linear and part-turn actuators. It is characterised by a small, compact modular design.

    The adjustment to the actuator and the determination of the control parameters are performed fully automatically, thus achieving the greatest possible time savings and optimum control behaviour. It has a wide range of diagnostic possibilities as well as option modules and enhancements.”