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    Ball segment valve, flanged design, short face-to-face dimension

    Type KVTF-C/KVXF-C (Somas)
    Pressure: 25
    Nominal size: 80-400

    “The Somas valve KVTF-C is a ball segment valve in a flanged design with a centrically mounted shaft in a short length.

    The KVXF-C version is the flanged design with an eccentrically mounted shaft. The valve body is produced in one piece and has a reduced bore for excellent control.”

    Ball segment valve, MC-series

    Type Typ KVMF-MC (Somas)
    Pressure: 25
    Nominal size: 100-400

    “The ball segment valves in the MC series are mainly used as control valves for medium consistency pulp.
    They are typically installed downstream of the MC pump.

    The outlet flange is larger than the input flange and the ball segment with a V-groove is designed to protect against dewatering in the case of small opening angles.”

    Ball valve

    Type SKV / SKVT (Somas)
    Pressure: 40
    Nominal size: 25-500

    “Due to the spring-loaded seat construction, Somas ball valves offer good tightness regardless of the differential pressure.

    The Somas ball valves type SKV are full bore valves with nominal diameters from DN25 – DN400 and have a floating ball (floating design) with spring-loaded seats.
    Ball valves with nominal diameters from DN450 – DN500 have a ball (trunnion mounted) which is guided up and down in bushes and is called a valve type SKVT.

    Ball valve

    Pressure: '10 / 16 / 25 / 40
    Nominal size: 80 - 1200

    ERHARD ball valves are characterised by a full port, a low overall height and a low-flow design with ultra-low pressure loss for energy-saving and economical operation. The design principle is a double offset with a free-flowing ball plug. It is designed as a bi-directional valve. The profile ring is in the open position outside the flow. The ERHARD ball valve is also equipped with a robust sealing section with a non-sensitive surface.

    Ball valve for solids

    (Peter Meyer)
    Pressure: 10-40 / ANSI 150/300
    Nominal size: 25-200 / 1" - 8"

    “The Peter Meyer ball valve for solids is produced entirely in Switzerland. The ball valve is available in many different variations.
    The ball valve can be produced as a uni-directional metal seated ball valve either with a full ball or segmented ball. At Peter Meyer, individual customer requirements can also be taken into account at any time, even high quantities are no problem for the modern machinery at Peter Meyer.

    It can be used in a wide range of applications due to its numerous approvals.

    Barstock control valve

    Type RC250 (Badger Meter)
    Pressure: max.345 bar
    Nominal size: 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1"

    The barstock control valve has been specially developed for applications in reverse osmosis plants.

    The barstock control valve type RC250 is suitable for the control of medium to ultra-small flow rates when using liquids, gases or steam in general industry, research, development and pilot plants.

    Due to its compact size, it is particularly suitable for the dosing of additives, for sampling and for hydraulic systems with small flow rates.

    It is designed as standard with an NPT female thread.