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    Digital (electro-pneumatic) positioner

    Type TZID-C (ABB)

    The Digital (electro-pneumatic) positioner TZID-C from ABB is an electronically parametrisable and communication-enabled positioner for mounting on pneumatic linear and part-turn actuators.

    It is characterised by a small, compact modular design and an excellent price-performance ratio. The adjustment to the actuator and the determination of the control parameters are performed fully automatically, thus achieving the greatest possible time savings and optimum control behaviour.

    Digital (electro-pneumatic) positioner EDP300

    Type PositionMaster EDP300 (ABB)

    The digital (electro-pneumatic) positioner EDP300 from ABB is an electronically parametrisable and communication-enabled positioner for mounting on pneumatic linear and part-turn actuators.

    It is characterised by a small, compact modular design and an excellent price-performance ratio.

    The adjustment to the actuator and the determination of the control parameters are performed fully automatically, thus achieving the greatest possible time savings and optimum control behaviour. It has a wide range of diagnostic possibilities as well as option modules and enhancements.