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    DIN safety relief valve, low pressure, threated

    Type 1216 (Tosaca)
    Pressure: PN 40
    Nominal size: 1/2" - 2"

    Threaded safety valve for the low pressure range from the type 1216.

    Readily available for quick delivery and suitable for use in very demanding industries.

    Available with a female thread connection BSP or NPT. This version is also available as standard in Duplex.
    Because of a big stock of different kind of valve bodys and many different trims, nothing stands in the way of quick deliveries.
    The valves can also be equipped with other additional options.
    Various approvals ensure that these valves are also used in very demanding industries.

    DIN und ANSI Sicherheitsventil für den Niederdruckbereich

    Type 1216 B (Tosaca)
    Pressure: 16/40 150/300
    Nominal size: DN 15 - DN 25 und 1/2" - 1"

    Die Type 1216B ist ein geflanschtes Sicherheitsventil für den Niederdruckbereich in DIN und ANSI. Flexibilität in der Ausführung. Diese Ausführung ist auch in der Kombination Flansch-am-Eintritt und Gewinde-am-Austritt verfügbar jeweils in DIN und ANSI als auch gemischt. Durch lagernde Gehäuse und vieler verschiedener Innengarnituren steht einer schnellen Lieferung nichts im Wege. Weiters können die Vetile auch noch mit anderen Zusatzoptionen aufgerüstet werden. Verschiedene Zulassungen stellen sicher, dass diese Armaturen auch in sehr anspruchsvollen Industrien zum Einsatz kommen.

    Metal seated DIN swing check valves

    Type 270-570 / 280-580 / 280-580 / 290-590 / 290-590 / 291-591 / 296-596 / 297-597 (R.T. Valvole)
    Pressure: 25 / 40 / 63 / 100 / 160 / 250 / 320
    Nominal size: 50 - 900

    “RT gate valves valvole in cast design are used to prevent backflow in pipe systems. Due to their fully open design, this results in minimal pressure drop.

    * The housing material is made of cast steel. The valves have a bolted or pressure seal bonnet (for higher pressure).
    * The valve disc is made with forged material. On request, the disc can be supplied with an overlay of Stellite or other materials.
    * The disc hinge joint is designed in such a way to achieve a
    perfect tightness, which means a self-positioning disc system. “

    Pressure reducing valve

    Type M1 / M2 / PRV20 / PRV30 / PRV44 / PRV45 / VD (Valfonta)
    Pressure: 25 / 40 / 150 / 300
    Nominal size: 08 - 150

    The Valfonta soft seated pressure from the types M1 / M2 / PRV20 / PRV30 / PRV44 / PRV45 / VD reducing valve is a medium-controlled valve whose main purpose is to reduce the system outlet pressure regardless of fluctuations in the inlet pressure or the requirements in the line.

    Pressure reducing valves are mainly used in the energy sector as well as in various areas in the pulp and paper industry. “

    VALFONTA Pressure relief valve

    Type PRV53 / PRV54 / PRV55 / S1 / S2 / S3 (Valfonta)
    Pressure: 25 / 40 / 150 / 300
    Nominal size: 15 - 150

    Overflow valves from the types PRV53 / PRV54 / PRV55 / S1 / S2 / S3 are used to relieve pressure when a liquid exceeds a predefined limit value. Its purpose is to protect or avoid overpressure that occurs in a system.

    Pressure reducing valves are mainly used in the energy sector as well as in various areas in the pulp and paper industry.