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    Ball segment valve PN100-Series

    Type KVT / KVX (Somas)
    Pressure: 100
    Nominal size: 25/5-150

    “The ball segment and shaft of the Somas ball segment valve series PN100 consist of one piece. The seat is pressed against the ball segment by a spring element. This enables very good sealing, even at low differential pressures.

    The valve housing of the Somas wafer type ball segment valve consists of one piece with nominal diameters DN25/5 up to DN 50 and is divided diagonally with nominal diameters DN 80 up to DN 150.”

    Ball segment valve PN50-Series

    Type KVTF / KVXF (Somas)
    Pressure: 40
    Nominal size: 80-250

    “The unique system of a shaft with a clamping coupling was developed by Somas for backlash-free torque transmission and enables extremely precise control behaviour.

    The seat, which is available in three different materials (PTFE, PTFE 53 and HiCo), is pressed against the ball segment by spring elements.

    The Somas ball segment valves type KVTF with a centrically mounted shaft and the KVXF with an eccentrically mounted shaft are produced in a flanged design.
    The valve housing consists of one piece and has a full bore. “

    Ball segment valve, flanged design, short face-to-face dimension

    Type KVTF-C/KVXF-C (Somas)
    Pressure: 25
    Nominal size: 80-400

    “The Somas valve KVTF-C is a ball segment valve in a flanged design with a centrically mounted shaft in a short length.

    The KVXF-C version is the flanged design with an eccentrically mounted shaft. The valve body is produced in one piece and has a reduced bore for excellent control.”

    Ball segment valve, MC-series

    Type Typ KVMF-MC (Somas)
    Pressure: 25
    Nominal size: 100-400

    “The ball segment valves in the MC series are mainly used as control valves for medium consistency pulp.
    They are typically installed downstream of the MC pump.

    The outlet flange is larger than the input flange and the ball segment with a V-groove is designed to protect against dewatering in the case of small opening angles.”

    Ball segment valve, wafer design, short face-to-face dimension

    Type KVTW-D / KVXW-D (Somas)
    Pressure: 40
    Nominal size: 25/15-250

    “The unique system of a shaft with a clamping coupling was developed by Somas for backlash-free torque transmission and enables extremely precise control behaviour.

    The Somas ball segment valves type KVTW with a centrically mounted shaft and type KVXW with an eccentrically mounted shaft are produced in a wafer version. The D-version of the valve is produced with a short length.
    The valve is also produced in the A-version with the standard length (see Si-113).

    The valve body of the wafer type ball segment valves is produced in one piece. The spring seat is available in three material alternatives (PTFE, PTFE 53 and HiCo [high cobalt alloy]).”

    Ball segment valve, wafer design, standard face-to-face dimension

    Type KVTW-A / KVXW-A (Somas)
    Pressure: 40
    Nominal size: 25/15-250

    “The unique system of a shaft with a clamping coupling was developed by Somas for backlash-free torque transmission and enables extremely precise control behaviour.
    The valve body of the Somas wafer type ball segment valve KVTW-A / KVXW-A is produced in one piece.

    The spring seat is available in three material alternatives (PTFE, PTFE 53 and HiCo [high cobalt alloy]).
    The type KVTW with a centrically mounted shaft, as well as the type KVXW with an eccentrically mounted shaft are produced in a wafer version. The A-version of the valve is produced in the standard long lengths typical of the market.
    The valve is also produced in the D-version with a shorter length (see Si-114).