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Showing 25–26 of 26 results

    Swing disc valve

    Type SD (Orbinox)
    Pressure: 3
    Nominal size: 100 - 300

    “The swing disc valve type SD from Orbinox consists of a cast housing, a metal seat and a metal disc.
    Full bore when open.

    The swing disc valve is suitable for high switching cycles in difficult applications, such as dirt sluice applications, bulk materials, etc.

    Technical features include the short installation length (lightweight design) and the protected pivot arm to avoid deposits.”

    Wafer / lug type butterfly valve

    Type 20W/L9040 (TTV)
    Pressure: PN10/16/ANSI150
    Nominal size: DN32-600

    The TTV centric flanged / double flanged butterfly valve is available in a wide range of materials.

    Depending on the application, the seats are available in the most common material EPDM or NBR, but also in different types of silicone, Hypalon, Nordel, Viton and many others.

    Suitable for all industries and the most diverse applications due to the different choice of seats.

    Depending on the application, available in the most common material EPDM or NBR and in different types of silicone, Hypalon, Nordel, Viton and many others.