General Business Data:
Flowtec Industrietechnik GmbH
Limited liability Company
Business purpose: Trade
UID-Nr.: ATU 47571505
FN: 184624g
Company register court: Landesgericht für ZRS Graz
Registered office: 8046 Graz
Business address: Stattegger Strasse 179 A-8046 Graz
T +43 316 697069-0
F +43 316 697069-9
Member of WKÖ, Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, LG Aussenhandel
Law governing the profession: Austrian Commercial Act (Gewerbeordnung):
Regulatory Authorities: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung u. Mödling
Disclaimer/exclusion from liability:
All content of this website has been compiled conscientiously and continuously checked. We have tried to provide the correct and complete information, but cannot guarantee completeness, topicality and correctness of content. The websites of other providers that are connected to ours through hyperlinks are, of course, constantly checked. We would still like to specifically point out that we have no influence on the linked pages. If the content of these pages changes without our knowledge to such an extent that they represent an “illegal activity” as per §17 of the e-commerce act (BGBl dated 21.12.2001) we will have nothing to do with it. This declaration applies to all links shown on our website and its sub-pages and for all content of the pages to which links or banners lead.
Notice according to ECG:
Information duty according to § 5 (1) E-Commerce Law
Picture/image credits:
Unless otherwise indicated, all website content (images and text) are subject to copyright or originate in free image directories. All rights are with the authors. Any publication or use of images and/or text, including just excerpts as well as making any kind of copies is not permitted without the express written approval of the authors.